All games will be played under international rules (FIFA), with the exception that the goal keeper may not be fair charged. 



All teams from outside of the state of Illinois must file travel permission forms with their State Associations. Medical release forms, player cards and state-approved rosters must be presented at registration. Teams may carry a roster of no more than 12 for 7v7, no more than 16 for 9v9, not more than 22 for U13-U19 (Only 18 can dress per United States Soccer Federation rules. U8-U10 will play 7v7. U11-U12 will play 9v9. U13 and up will play 11v11. No roster changes will be permitted after a team roster has been approved unless completed before the event begins on April 11, 2025. All teams must be currently registered with their State, National or Provincial Association. Up to 3 guest players may be added to a team for U8-U14. Five guests are allowed for U15-U19 boys. Each player must have a valid USSF/USYSA/US Club Soccer ID card. The minimum number of games is three (3). No player can be on more than one roster for the event.



AGE DIVISION                   GAME TIME                               BALL SIZE

   U18                          2 - 35 Minute Halves                               5

   U17                          2 - 35 Minute Halves                               5

   U16                          2 - 35 Minute Halves                               5

   U15                          2 - 35 Minute Halves                               5

   U14                          2 - 35 Minute Halves                               5

   U13                          2 - 35 Minute Halves                               5

   U12 9v9                   2 - 30 Minute Halves                               4

   U11 9v9                   2 - 30 Minute Halves                               4         

   U10 7v7                   2 - 25 Minute Halves                               4

   U9 7v7                     2 - 25 Minute Halves                               4




Individual and team awards will be presented to all Champions. Individual medals will be presented to all finalists in ALL age divisions. 


Each player must wear shin guards and an official uniform with a number on the back. Home team should wear their light color jersey and away should wear dark. Should there be a conflict; the team not complying with the above policy should change. Home team will provide the game ball if the Tournament does not provide Nike balls.


Prior to the start of each match, the Field Marshall shall check that each team has the following: current player and coaches passes. A copy of the tournament roster should always be available in case of issues or concerns as well. The referee or tournament official will verify the identity of the players versus the player passes. The player's equipment will be checked by the referee or assistant referee. A player who arrives at the playing field after the pre-game procedure may not enter the game until after being checked by the referee or assistant referee for player pass and equipment. 


Referees will flip a coin with Team Captains to determine direction and which team starts with the ball.


Unlimited substitution is allowed after a goal by either team, before a goal kick for either team, before a throw-in your favor, at half time or before the start of an overtime period, and in case of injury or any stoppage in play – with the referee’s permission. Teams may also sub on the opposing teams throw if the team that is in possession has a substitute up as well.



Any player or coach ejected from a game will be ineligible for the team’s next game. No substitution will be permitted for an ejected player. Anyone fighting can be subjected to ejection from further tournament participation. Passes will be retained by the tournament and will be returned to the coach of the team after the player has sat out their suspension.


A minimum of seven players constitutes a team for 9v9 & 11v11. A ten (10) minute grace period will be extended beyond the kickoff time before a forfeit will be declared. The Tournament Directors will make the final decision if a forfeit shall be allowed depending upon extenuating circumstances that may have prevented a team from making the game on time. If a forfeit is determined, the winning team shall be awarded a score of 4-0 and will receive the points for that score.


Any protest must be presented in writing to the tournament headquarters within one (1) hour of the completion of the game, and must be accompanied with a $100 bond. This bond will only be returned if the protest is upheld. Referee judgment calls will not be a basis for protests.


Three (3) Points will be awarded for a win

One (1) point will be awarded for a tie

Zero (0) points will be awarded for a loss

In the event of a tie in total point standings, the following sequence will be used. This process will NOT restart if 3 teams are tied:

  1. Head to head competition between the teams that are tied
  2. Best Goal difference for all games – up to Four (4) per game
  3. Fewest Goals Allowed
  4. Most Goals Scored (up to 5 Goals per game)
  5. Penalty Kick Shootout – Five (5) players per team; if still tied, sudden victory penalty kick shootout


All teams will be bracketed it groups of 4, 5, 6 or 8. The above will come into place in all 4, 5 and 8 team brackets. For brackets of 6 - if three teams are all tied in the same bracket, head to head points against each other will decide who goes on. If only two teams are tied, it will be decided as above.


Games that are tied at the end of regulation time will end as a tie in preliminary rounds. In the event of a tie in a final game; the game will continue with two five (5) minute overtime periods after which penalty kicks will be taken as listed below to determine a winner.


In the event that penalty kicks must be used to determine a winner in the preliminary or final rounds the format will be as follows:

  1. Each team will select five (5) players to kick. Only players on the field at the end of the game may be selected.
  2. Teams will alternate kicks – First team to kick will be determined by the referee’s coin flip.
  3. If the score remains tied after five (5) kicks, teams will alternate kicks until a winner is determined.
  4. All eligible players must kick before any eligible player can repeat.
  5. Goalies may be changed after any shot.

US Soccer Heading Mandate

SLSG, in accordance with US Soccer’s recommendation on specific rule changes to heading, will eliminate heading for players age 10 and under. Please note that U11 is listed in the US Soccer concussion initiative document because U11 players can be 10 years old during the season. Therefore, because of the concerns for the safety of younger players, beyond the limitations of the laws of the game, SLSG Tournaments will follow the mandate and not allow players U11 and under to head the ball. This infraction will result in an indirect free kick.


When a player deliberately heads a ball during the game, an indirect free kick should be awards to the opposing team from the spot of the infraction. If the deliberate header occurs within the goal box, the indirect free kick should be taken from the spot of infringement as well. If the infringement takes place within the 6 yard box, the ball will be placed on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred. If a player does not deliberately head the ball, play should continue.

7v7 Buildout Line

When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper. The opposing team may then cross the build out line and play resumes as normal.


Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed). Ideally, the goalkeeper will wait to put the ball into play once all opponents are past the build out line; however, the goalkeeper can put the ball into play sooner but he or she does so accepting the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play resumes.


If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the punt or drop kick occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred

The opposing team must also move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play.

There will be no offsides for 7v7.


Refund Policy

If the event is canceled entirely, St. Louis Scott Gallagher we will refund a percentage of your entry fee. Typically you will receive 80% of the entry fee for the event. Teams will be refunded per game if the event starts and they play only one or two games.

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