Q: Do SLSG ECNL teams have a sports performance component?
A: Yes, SLSG ECNL teams participate in weekly Performance Training.
Q: What video/analysis tools do the SLSG ECNL Players use?
A: SLSG Girls ECNL uses VEO & InStat as our two main video/analysis tools, providing VEO recordings at each game, and getting individual player analytics through InStat.
Q: Is there specific SLSG ECNL Goalkeepers Coaching?
A: Yes, SLSG ECNL has dedicated Goalkeeper Coaches at all trainings and games.
Q. Do the SLSG ECNL players have access to an Athletic Trainer?
A: Yes. SLSG has partnered with Mercy Sports Medicine to provide the club with an Athletic Trainer, who is on site at the WWT Soccer Park daily.
Q. Can ECNL Players participate in High School Soccer?
A: Yes. ECNL players are eligible to play for high school soccer. SLSG ECNL does offer competitive spring soccer for any players who choose not to play high school soccer in the spring.
Q. Can ECNL Players participate in other High School Sports?
A: Yes, each individual has the option to do alternative sports, but we (SLSG ECNL) ask that the priority be soccer during the competitive calendar.
Q: In which Conference does SLSG ECNL play, in the ECNL?
A: The Midwest Conference.
Q: What travel is usually associated with a typical ECNL season?
A: We break the season up into two parts.
Q. Do SLSG ECNL teams play in additional events to that of the ECNL events?
A. Yes, all teams play in other events. However, this is done on a team-by-team basis. Considerations are made regarding the number of additional events, timing of the events, and player availability.
Q: Are there ECNL player identification programs, like ODP or USYNT?
A: Yes, there are many different programs that the ECNL provides regarding Player Identification
Q. How does SLSG ECNL identify players from the St. Louis market?
A: The SLSG ECNL Staff works to identify players in many different ways. Players can be identified in local competitions, as well as high school environments. Currently, the program is holding Open Training Sessions for anyone interested in the SLSG ECNL Program.
Q. Does SLSG have to pay a membership fee to be in the ECNL?
A: Yes, all ECNL-member clubs have an annual membership fee which covers the league and administrative cost. There are additional fees associated with each National event, except for the National Playoffs and Finals.
Q. How much will the SLSG ECNL program cost?
A: There are two fees for the SLSG ECNL program, a club fee and a team fee. The SLSG club fee for ECNL will be $995.00. The SLSG team fee for ECNL will be $1600.00.
Q. What do SLSG ECNL club and team fees include?
A: Everything except personal Travel and Uniform cost.
Q. How and when are the fees expected to be paid?
A: Club fees are due upon registration. Team fees are due over two separate payment dates (September 1st and November 1st).
Q. Does SLSG ECNL have any financial assistance available?
A: Yes, All players/families can apply for the Financial Assistance Program (FAP). During the player registration process, you will be able to sign up for the (FAP) by checking a box.
Q. What's the difference between ECNL uniforms and the rest of the club's uniforms?
A: ECNL players will have the ECNL logo on their game uniforms. There may be an additional item or two to purchase via ‘myuniform’.