This is a simple page that all coaches in the club can use as a resource for updates, coaching tips, and more.
Volume 9/13th Edition
“Person > Player”
~What Drives Winning
Developing ball skills and insight in each SLSG player is obviously something we as a staff take very seriously. But we also share another passion, and that is developing the person and teaching life lessons through the different ups and downs the game can present. These ups and downs, successes and mistakes, can all be referred to as “the process” or the journey that we as individuals learn through each day. And our focus should be here, on the process. And how we live in this process depends on the person, or specifically the character of each person, and this in the end drives the result. This is a simple recap of the first chapter of Brett Ledbetter’s book, What Drives Winning; Building Character Gets Results.
SLSG, specifically SLSG's Leadership Program, and the What Drives Winning (WDW) Team are creating something quite special. There are no other youth soccer organizations in the country that have established this type of relationship with What Drives Winning. Our motive is to present our membership with the most positive and holistic youth sports experience possible. We believe that building character and discussing different leadership opportunities go hand-in-hand and that through discussion and practice, we become the best people we can and we improve as athletes.
Brett and his Co-Founder of WDW, Hall of Fame NCAA Soccer Coach, Becky Burleigh, in cooperation with the club, recently hosted two Zoom meetings for 400+ and 350+ older girls respectively (U13 and older). The meetings were interactive and eye-opening. The discussion shed light on how we are in control of our thoughts regarding “self value” and “confidence” as well as how we can look differently at “pressures” we feel in the game and life. The meetings were a combination of Brett and Becky presenting and teaching, of course. But what could have been just as impactful were insights from older players on these topics. I believe our most senior aged players answers to certain questions and the sharing of their own personal struggles with confidence or pressure were beyond valuable for younger players to hear. This is the mission of our leadership program, to increase the number of role models our younger players have the opportunity to interact with on a daily basis. These particular meetings gave many an opportunity to reflect, voice thoughts, or journal, and proved that regardless of age, team name, or team level, many times we share the same challenges in the game.
I have included the links to the zoom meetings for those of you interested. As I mentioned, the meetings are more geared for the older players in the club, but obviously parents and coaches should feel free to check them out. We will start such meetings with the boys side of the club in the new year and continue in the spring/summer for the girls.
As always, enjoy your weekend and represent the club with style when you hit the fields!
WDW Meetings
Volume 9/12th Edition
Each year the Technical Staff meets to discuss the clubs methodology, curriculum, and our holistic approach to player development. Included in these discussions is the concept of the SLSG Premier League, which has always been a component of coach, team, and player development. SLSG believes the Premier League allows for all involved to play with freedom, compete at an appropriate level, and creates an environment that nurtures a players love for the game.
In this year's Technical Meeting it has been decided, though, that there needs to be an adjusted transition from the SLSG Premier League to our local league, St. Louis Youth Soccer Association aka SLYSA. This new transition period would allow for SLSG teams to gain experience in SLYSA during the spring of their U12 season. This adjustment would take place beginning this season, meaning all SLSG’s U12 (2011 birth year) teams would begin participation in SLYSA in spring of 2023.
We strongly believe that the Premier League, even with the introduction of this new transition period for U12, is one of the club’s greatest developmental resources. Staff and Directors anticipate little if any scheduling impact for the U11 and younger teams that remain in P-League, and furthermore, do not foresee issues in providing the appropriate competitive calendar.
Here are some important notes regarding this new transition to SLYSA for U12;
The Technical Staff does not make these decisions without extensive consideration.. We are always looking for ways to improve the player/family experience and we believe that the ability for our U12 teams to transition to SLYSA in the spring will enhance their overall development and enjoyment in the game.
Age Group Directors will be in contact with the appropriate teams to further discuss and answer any questions.
We wanted to make sure all coaches had this information prior to us communicating with the rest of membership. Please make note we will pass this on to parents in the very near future.
As always, we appreciate your support of SLSG,
SLSG Technical Staff
Volume 9/ Edition 10 & 11
Coaches, It is with great pleasure to announce that the What Drives Winning (WDW) team will be hosting two zoom meetings this fall! Co-founders Brett Ledbetter and Becky Burleigh have agreed to present two Tuesday’s in succession; October 25th and November 1st. Both meetings will begin at 6pm CST.
These meetings are exclusive to SLSG members (Meetings 1 & 2 are for U13 girls and older - future meetings for boys will be announced in the new year as players return from high school seasons). The WDW story began over ten years ago when Co-founder and author Brett Ledbetter began sharing his ideas on how character development in sports could and would lead to results on the field or court.
In its search to bring “more than a game” to its members, SLSG had built an important relationship with the WDW team over the past several years and now wants to share Brett and Becky’s message with the senior level players in the club (U13 and older).
Coaches, of all U13 and older teams, we highly recommend you and your players attend. These meetings have proven to be just as, if not more important and more impactful to the individual and team, than any one training session.
A follow up email will be sent to the parents tomorrow, so we urge you all to put this on your PlayMetrics calendar immediately. This is a club sponsored event and exclusive to SLSG members. A link will be sent as the date nears.
Thank you and as always we appreciate your support and loyalty to SLSG.
Volume 9 / 9th Edition
I am not sharing this short video because I am an Arsenal Football Club fan or because I’m a coach who also works with young players and parents. When I am at different soccer events around the country and I’m asked about “coaches and parents” at SLSG, my response is extremely positive. So I am not sharing this because of any sort of issue with a coach or a parent. The entire club is grateful for the sacrifice, investment, and support of our coaches, parents, guardians, and families.
The simple reason I am sharing this clip is because I’m a parent of two girls and a coach of more than I can count some days. And when I watched, I found myself reflecting on soccer games and swim meets attended and how my demeanor at any time during that competition (before, during, and after) may have impacted my daughter positively or negatively. In short, the message had me “check myself” both as a parent and coach.
I know I speak on behalf of an entire staff when I say the members of this club, ALL members, are appreciated. Enjoy your weekend!
Volume 9/7th Edition
October is upon us, incredible, I know. October is that middle month between “excited the season has started” and “my gosh, November and the holidays are just around the corner”. In our experience we have found that October is a perfect time for coaches to “check-in” with their athletes. In our annual start of the season coaches meeting the directors share a few expectations of coaches as the season begins. Those expectations include “know your why”. We go on to discuss one of the most important relationships in this teaching/coaching club soccer gig and that is the coach-athlete relationship. In addition to instilling boundless passion in our players, it is our responsibility to “ensure each athlete feels cared about and feels as though they are making progress as a person and player”.
In many schools teachers issue Progress Reports or have Teacher/Parent nights in October. A quick but formal note on how a student may be doing from a behavioral or academic perspective. We should be no different as coaches in a club. We, the directors, are not saying that a formal written and issued report of progress or evaluation is necessary (although if you have the time and means feel free). This “check-in” can be as simple as a quick chat before or after training or a phone call to a parent to praise or give some constructive feedback regarding a player's efforts. There is no right or wrong way to check-in with your athlete, the important thing is that we do connect and we give the athletes a feeling of value either directly or through someone else in their family. We think it's important to remember, the athletes trust and believe in your feedback and direction and they will use it to develop, impress, and gain approval.
As always coaches, thanks for taking a few minutes to read our reminders. Enjoy your time on the field this weekend and always keep in mind your “why”!
Link from the Virtual Coaches Meeting
Coaches, it is with great pleasure to announce that the What Drives Winning (WDW) team will be hosting two zoom meetings this fall! Co-founders Brett Ledbetter and Becky Burleigh have agreed to present two Tuesday’s in succession; October 25th and November 1st. Both meetings will begin at 6pm CST.
These meetings are exclusive to SLSG members (Meetings 1 & 2 are for U13 girls and older - future meetings for boys will be announced in the new year as players return from high school seasons). The WDW story began over ten years ago when Co-founder and author Brett Ledbetter began sharing his ideas on how character development in sports could and would lead to results on the field or court.
In its search to bring “more than a game” to its members, SLSG had built an important relationship with the WDW team over the past several years and now wants to share Brett and Becky’s message with the senior level players in the club (U13 and older).
Coaches, of all U13 and older teams, we highly recommend you and your players attend. These meetings have proven to be just as, if not more important and more impactful to the individual and team, than any one training session.
A follow up email will be sent to the parents tomorrow, so we urge you all to put this on your PlayMetrics calendar immediately. This is a club sponsored event and exclusive to SLSG members. A link will be sent as the date nears.
Thank you and as always we appreciate your support and loyalty to SLSG.
Volume 9 / 6th Edition
Some Clarification for Parents of Players that Play in the P6!
Throughout the past ten years the P6 League has been one of, if not the most, impactful developmental tool for our SLSG children. As stated in an earlier note this season to the coaches; "the safe, encouraging environment that also promotes appropriate competition between teams is something that this club is incredibly proud to host year after year". We cannot do this without the positive support from parents. When the club, coaches, and parents are all in sync, the outcome usually means fun and progress for the children.
We realize that there are a few things that a parent or coach may experience from week to week at the P6 matches that may seem somewhat inconsistent. There are many different ways to teach basic rules, how and when to dribble, maybe a position on the field (or all of them), etc. Here are five (5) basic situations that may occur one week and not another and are usually decided by the coaches before the game.
Again, the club is incredibly proud of the P6 league and how it has been such a great kick start to a players soccer development. The energy a passerby may feel while walking through the WWT Soccer Park on any given Friday is second to none and it's obvious to see why the kids enjoy the games on these nights. The start to this season has been fantastic and we only have the coaches and parents to thank.
Enjoy the games this weekend and as always, thank you for your support and loyalty to SLSG!
Directors Notes are a weekly communication sent from the Program Directors of each the Boys and Girls Division. For a look at all the Directors Notes from the 2022/23 Season thus far, click here.
Volume 9 / 5th Edition
“Respect the Ref”!
There are signs reminding us of a shortage in this game, a referee shortage. The fact is too many referees have quit the game because of hostile and disrespectful sideline and on field behavior from all involved in the game of soccer.
However, there is an initiative to train, certify, and promote new referees so that fewer games are canceled when the weekend finally arrives. At the end of the day, the kids just want to play and compete and have fun. And if we don’t continue to support this initiative, to increase the number of referees we have in the city of STL by showing a referee patience even in the hottest moments of a game, well, games will continue to get postponed. And to be honest, we, the SLSG community has shown that we can create and incredible atmosphere for player development and fun, let's continue to do so :)
Our league is a league that referees have said they enjoy working in because they know it’s important to the club that the coaches, parents, and players support the officials. We believe that this is something we should be proud of as an organization. So let's take it a step further. Coaches, players, and parents alike, let's go way above and beyond, and go out of our way to be the most sports-person-like club any official will have the chance to encounter.
This weekend is another opportunity to show the city that we continue our mission to be the “Best Club in the Country” as we pursue excellence in every facet of the game including the simple but genuine respect we show to the officials.
Have a great weekend coaches! Video regarding our league and some expectations → click here
PS - Keep in mind, we have dozens of SLSG players and parents who are a part of this initiative to increase and improve the refereeing situation in STL. Many of them work games in our league. Always remember this, if you argue a call or in the heat of a game say something to an assistant referee, you may be speaking to one of our own.
PSS - Coaches, there will be times that I send these notes directly to parents. I have not done so as of yet, but feel free to forward any Directors Notes to your team members.
Volume 9 / 4th Edition
We all need “Guest Players”!
On any random weekend there are multiple reasons an individual team may need a guest player or two. And about 99% of the time the SLSG’s tireless Age Group Directors (AGD’s) are able to accommodate such needs. But, although being in a club this size can often easily provide these types of resources, it requires over communication to all; Directors, Coaches, Parents, and Players.
Bringing a guest player to your group does not have to be a chore. But it does require some forethought, consideration, and communication. For example, this seamless process to acquire a guest player for the weekend can start at the “Beginning of the Year Team Meeting”. In this meeting, we coaches have every right to expect the parents to communicate early on any potential player's absence. This allows you as a coach to get way way ahead of this situation and alert the AGD (who, in some cases, may also need to connect with Member Services for player carding reasons). Because the AGD’s are experts in that particular age/division, they can quickly connect with other team coaches at multiple ages to find players of the appropriate playing level. Note; coaches in need of guest players DO NOT go straight to a parent or player of another team!!!
At the same time the AGD is looking into the right fit player for your team’s needs, coaches, you can alert parents and/or players that you have requested a guest player for the upcoming match in question. This info can easily be slipped into your weekly recap (Director’s recommendation) regarding past weekend results and future weekend updates and reminders. Passing this info to all your families can help to alleviate any questions as to who the “new player” is in the next match. If possible, sharing player/parents names and maybe a few other details of the guest player would be awesome. This would allow your families to make the guest family welcome.
Following these steps should complement the positive experience you as coach are already providing your team/families. If you have any questions, never hesitate to connect!
Virtual Coaches Meeting - Guest Playing Clip
Volume 9 / 3rd Edition
I am sure we are all excited and ready for a busy weekend of games. We have the league, Nike Cup, Gallagher Friendlies, and more all scheduled across the Metro area. Because the weekend is sure to be busy, this is just a quick note.
I was reminded the other night, while walking past a field (not a soccer field), as to why we coach. Because I was not aware of the context, I must give the benefit of the doubt to the coach. But the vibe from this particular field was a bit negative.
We all have different coaching styles whether it be in soccer or another sport. Some of us are more boisterous, others quiet and content to only speak in certain moments. Neither style is right or wrong, each style is dependent not on the volume, but instead on what is said. What we say matters. And this weekend let us all attempt to use our role as “coach”; to teach, direct, and lead in the most positive, Shield- Valued based, strength of character manner possible.
The impact we can and do have on the players (children) lasts, well, forever. Think about your favorite teacher in school. You may never forget that person. But think about it, why was that person your favorite? Did they connect with you positively and make you feel important? Did you learn from this person?
Take advantage of this awesome responsibility of being the leader of your team and make the girls feel valued. Challenge them, and if they are making progress, show them they are improving. And finally, give them the chance to play.
We have the opportunity each week, as leader of our team, to manage the players in a way that provides all of these experiences.
Enjoy your weekend coaches, hope to see you on the field!
Click Here to listen to Virtual Coaches Meeting Clip (5 minutes) regarding Why